School Anthem

About Us School Anthem

Our Motto
(Asathoma Sadgamaya (From untruth to Truth)
Let our motto triumph

Deep rooted in the richness of our land.
Under the Banner of our Canossa school
We Pledge to tread the path of truth
We’ll unfurl the banner of Canossa High

Sharing the fragrance of God’s Love
Striving hard to soar above
Daring to live from the depth of truth
We reach out to all with love and care.

Walking in the steps of St. Magdalene
Trusting in God’s benevolence
Filled with wisdom and freedom
Canossa we raise our hearts to you.

We take a pledge to stand for truth
To keep the flag of Canossa high
Serving God and the Humankind
Hail Canossa, We march forward.